Job posted on: 2019-07-28 (6 years ago)
· The Senior Unity Programmer will manage, design, implement, debug, integrate and document new game systems, tools and features in Unity
· Will be working closely with the CTO in developing and implementing systems
· Will be doing debugging, testing and optimizations
· Will be working with artists, programmers and animators to integrate code with content
· Extensive experience with and excellent knowledge of the Unity 3D engine
· Exceptional knowledge of C# and debugging
· Must be able to create clean, high quality and high performance code
· Outstanding knowledge of the optimization and debugging process in Unity
· Ability to work independently and to be self-directing
· Must be an avid gamer with a passion for creating great games
· Previous experience building actual commercial games a plus
· Must be capable of working with other programmers, artists and designers
· Must be capable to work quick and efficiently within a high stress deadline or environment
· Must be able to receive and execute direction given by the CTO and work effectively with him
Position Name: Software Developer
Location Hyderabad
Experience 0 (Fresher)to 5 years of Exp
Fresher’s pac 2.4 to 3.2
Technologies: 998,...96127,....35
Java/Core Java/Python/Dotnet/Data Science/SQL Database,Spring Boot,Angular 5/6/7/8,/Hibernate/
Manual &Automation (Selenium) Testing/ Cyber Security/SalesForce/ RPA
AWS/Devops/Andriod/PHP/UI/UX/ Angular &Front end Developer, Full Stack Developer
All Rounds will manage,After offer candidates can directly check in company and pay
Backdoor JOBS Hyderabad
itjobs537(AT)gmail dot com NineNineEightNineSixOneTwoSevenThreeFive
Backdoor process for fresher’s
99::89::61::27::35(99Eight Nine6one two73five)998^^961^^2735^^
99896one two seven three five
Pay only after getting the offer letter
Send ur updates CV+ Choose one company+arrange Funds+ interview schedule +same day offer letter with verification process+same day payment+99+89+61+27+35
Interview: Face to Face and Telephonic (Due to Covid-19 Situation you’ve to Work from Home till Covid Situation settles down)
Should be able to work from home till COVID-19 lockdown.
Must have excellent communication skills with proficiency in English.
99896Lakh To 12735
PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Perusahaan Pengelola Jasa Kebandarudaraan Di Kawasan Barat Indonesia, Mengundang Anda Yang Mempunyai Semangat, Integritas Tinggi, Ulet, Dan Kompeten Untuk Bergabung Dan Mengembangkan Karir Menjadi Tenaga PKWT Untuk Posisi
Lowongan Selengkapnya
Finance & Accouting Office
Staff Administrasi
Manager Operasional
Teknik Bandara
Asisten Management
Technical Trainee Program
Junior Web Programer
Information Center Analyst
Trading System Operation Officer
IT / Progammer
Trading System operation Office
Engineering, Site, Civil, Me, Architect
Business Development Director
Sales & Marketing Admin
Digital Marketing Content Strategist & Analyst
Human Resource (Manager & Staff)
- Pria / Wanita
Minimun 21 tahun dan Maksimun 37 Tahun
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Berkelakuan baik
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Kondisi Kerja:
- Pegawai Tetap
Kewajiban/Kelengkapan berkas:
- Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Foto Copy ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai
- Foto Copy KTP dan Pas Photo Ukuran 4X6 (1 lembar).
- No Telpon/HP dan Alamat email yang valid kirim ke email :
Atau dengan cara kunjungi
Cara pendaftaran klik link :
We are doing bulk hiring for various IT positions998,...96127,....35
Hope you are doing well.
We are Hiring fresher’s, who are passionate to build their careers in Software Hyderabad Location
Walk-in with your Resume-Walkout with your offer letter
Excellent Backdoor Openings Hyderabad
Please read the job description very carefully before applying.
Position Name: Software Developer
Location Hyderabad
Technologies: 998,...96127,....35
99::89::61::27::35(99Eight Nine6one two73five)998^^961^^2735^^
We have excellent resources on different technologies as mentioned below in a variety of domains. Please go through the below details and let me know(Nine Nine 8 Nine 6 l two seven three 5)
Java, Dotnet, Testing, (Automation Testing With Selenium Testing) Pega,Python,Salesforce,Devops,AWS , SQL DBA, SAP BTP,ETLUI/UX DESIGNER, ,JAVA SCRIPT,ANDROID DEVELOPER (KOTLIN, ANDROID STUDIO, FLUTTER),WEB DEVELOPER (JS, NODE JS, REACT JS) ,ETL,SAS..etc
We are being genuine from our end please be serious from your end guys. Please make sure ready with your Updated Resume (99Eight +Nine6one -two73five).We Have an easy hiring process.
Share your resume on +91 9989612735
>. Urgent Openings for Fresher's
>. Company : Mid level company
>. Permanent positon
>. Technologies: java, testing, .net, PHP ,Android, UI design, DevOps, web developer
>. Work location: Hyderabad
>. Package: 2.4L-2.8L
>. process: 2 days
>. Qualification: B.Tech, B.E, Degree, M.Tech, M.E,MCA
>. Eligibility: 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021
>. zero knowledge also okay
>. Interview process : Direct HR Round (interview rounds can manage )
>. Company will provide 3 months training (while training salary 13K )
>. 100% genuine process
>. Immediate joining
>. Direct to Company
PROCESS:SELECT COMPANY + INTERVIEW +OFFER LETTER + JOINING (your placement is our responsibility)
for more details contact to the7729033569